There is no question that we are continuing to live in a significant and difficult moment. We have all experienced a personal and professional toll – some of us greater than others. As members of the academic and professional communities, we faced significant challenges with the measures forced upon us in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. The 7 th ICHL will focus on these challenges. Future historians will study the pandemic in regards to its human impact, but also to a great degree, the impact Covid-19 had on economic, legal, relnigious, media, and educational concerns. Beder University invites you to share with your colleagues how you developed solutions and took advantage of the opportunities that attended these challenges and solutions. The conclusions of the Conference will contribute to the improvement of the health, environmental, economic, spiritual, social situation by emphasizing the role of the justice and law system, its enforcement agencies and the tradition of religious law. Conference papers will be published in BJH journal that support the seventh ICHL'21 Conference with ISSN: 2306-6083 & ISSN Online: 2707-3041.
The conference date: May 27, 2021
The place: Bedёr University, Tirana, Albania
May Presentation and paper languages: English and Albanian
Conference website: http://ichl.beder.edu.al/
Conference papers will be published in BJH journal that support the seventh ICHL'21 Conference with ISSN: 2306-6083 & ISSN Online: 2707-3041. http://bjh.beder.edu.al/.
Participation, and Registration Fee Preferences:
The fee for in-person participation is of 50 euros and for virtual presentation is of 100 euros. In- person participants will receive conference material (like conference program and hard copy certificate as well as the electronic book format pdf copies of the Proceedings Book). Virtual participants will receive an electronic copy of their conference participation certificate, and electronic copies of the Proceedings Book. Special fees apply for the social event organizations.
In-Person or Virtual presentation:
You may submit the full paper to the Conference Committee for an In-Person Presentation, or a Virtual Presentation at the 7-th International Conference of the Faculty on Humanities and Law - ICHL 2021. You can download on the web site the poster form, fill it and send by email to ichl@beder.edu.al. Your poster will be printed and presented by the organizers to the conference in the poster session. All participants interested in your paper will send the comments by e-mail.